Thursday, May 2, 2013

Today has turned into a lazy day.  It is COLD, windy & rainy -- did I mention it's COLD.  We are staying an extra day here, so we can do the Cowboy museum before we leave OK.


  1. We have the COLD & the WIND here in Dallas but no rain. Glad you aren't on too tight of a time table. Saw there was snow in Kansas and north.

  2. I am worn out from schlepping my orchids and such back inside every time our crazy weather changes. On the bright side, the asparagus are still good and the lettuces have not bolted; it's nice and cold, which suits them fine!

    Stay AWAY from that casino. I know you looked, Mary Lee!

  3. Sorry it is cold for you...hopefully weather will get better for remainder of trip.!
